x files

you are my father  shop ]

When I left you I was but the learner. 
Now I am the master.

10 12 13 | arno


The fight between the need and the will.
Are you free enough to show yourself to others?
Do you really want to? 

ele f ant


The project aims to reflect the unexpected uses at any given time in a space designed for one particular purpose.

In a museum environment, associated with contemplation, silence, leisure and culture, violence suddenly erupts in a disturbingly normal tone. This reflects the fragile society we live in, and the risks involved of not being able to control the behavior of others; often as a result of the mood or mental health state they are in.

We all remember the Columbine High School massacre, as well as the accurate Gus Van Sant film about those events.


welcome (pinhole)

Those interested in photography should try to make a camera with their own hands at least once in life.
It was to me an unforgettable experience.

04 10 05 | erased memories

erased memories

01 07 20 | jugar conmigo

_  jugar conmigo